Mangampo, Romulo D.,

Correlates of the performance in clinical areas of level III health care technology students of Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges/ Romulo D. Mangampo, Marjorie G. Romano, Maricel P. Zoilo - 2003. - 52 leaves.

Undergraduate Thesis (BSN) - Nursing

SCOPE AND COVERAGE This study examined the relationship between profiles and performance of the twenty-seven Level tll Health Care Technology Students of Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges. The variables used were the Academic Grade, Clinical Grade, Economic Profile, and Involvement in Various Extra-curricular Activities. METHODOLOGY The descriptive survey method involving the application of questionnaire was used in this study. Other data gathering tools used were documentary analysis and library technique. Statistical tools used were Percentage technique and Chi-square test. FINDINGS 1. Profile a. Academic Profile. Majority of the respondents, which is 21 or 77.78 percent got grades ranging from 2.5 to 2.1, and 2 or 7.41 percent got grades ranging from 2.0 to 1.6. b. Clinical Grade. Majority of the respondents, which is 14 or 51.85 percent obtained grades ranging from 2.5 to 2.1 and 13 Or 48.15 percent obtained grades ranging from 2.0 to 1.6. c. Extra-curricular Activities Profile. There were four school organizations where there is 100 percent involvement of the respondents’; 2 or 7.41 percent joins the Sports Club; 1 or 3.70 percent is in the Campus Ministry; 6 or 22.22 percent joins the Fraternities and Sororities and 1 or 3.70 percent is in the Central Student Council. Barangay Organization was the only identified organization outside the school wherein 8 or 29.63 percent of the respondents were involved. in Religious organization, 1 or 3.70 percent on the Youth For Christ, 1 or 3.70 percent on PREX, 3 or 11.11 percent on the Church Choir, 1 or 3.70 percent on the Parish Youth Council, 2 or 7.41 percent on Curcillo Movement and 1 or 3.70 percent on Christ Ambassador. B. Relationship of the Clinical Performance and Student Profile. 1. Academic Profile. The computed value of chi-square and Cramer's statistics is .47 and the tabular value is .56, which shows that the computed value is less than the tabular value. Thus, null hypothesis was accepted. Therefore, Academic profile has no significant relationship with Clinical Performance 2. Economic Profile. The computed value Chi-square and Cramer's Statistics is 0.196 and the tabular value is 12.60 which showed that the computed value is less than the tabular value. Thus, null hypothesis was accepted, Therefore, Economic profile has no significant relationship with Clinical Performance. 3. Extra-curricular Activities Profile. The computed Chi-square and Cramer's statistics is 0.0955 and the tabular value is 0.35. It shows that the computed vaiue is less than the tabular value. Thus, the null hypothesis was accepted. Therefore, Extra-curricular Activities profile has no significant relationship with the Clinical Performance. 2. Implication to Nursing Education. The implication of this study to the Nursing Education in this institution is to continue searching on what variable is it that teally affects the performance of the nursing students in the clinical practice. CONCLUSION The following conclusions were drawn from the synthesis of the findings of the study. 1. Majority of the respondents obtained average academic and clinical grades. 2. Majority of the respondents has an average family monthly income. 3. In the computed chi-square, there exists a telationship between Academic, Economic, and Extra-curricular Activities Profile and Clinical Performance but insignificant. accepted, Therefore, Economic profile has no significant relationship with Clinical Performance. 3. Extra-curricular Activities Profile. The computed Chi-square and Cramer's statistics is 0.0955 and the tabular value is 0.35. It shows that the computed vaiue is less than the tabular value. Thus, the null hypothesis was accepted. Therefore, Extra-curricular Activities profile as no significant relationship with the Clinical Performance. 2. Implication to Nursing Education. The implication of this study to the Nursing Education in this institution is to continue searching on what variable is it that teally affects the performance of the nursing students in the clinical practice. CONCLUSION The following conclusions were drawn from the synthesis of the findings of the study. 1. Majority of the respondents obtained average academic and clinical grades. 2. Majority of the respondents has an average family monthly income. 3. In the computed chi-square, there exists a telationship between Academic, Economic, and Extra-curricular Activities Profile and Clinical Performance but insignificant. 4. The findings of the study implies that there is still a need for further investigations on what is the rea! variable that affects the performance of the students not only on the academic level but also on the clinical practice. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. For the Students. a. The students should be required to do researches that are essential to their field of study. The need to require extensive studies and case presentation will enable them to meet different disease entity. That may make it possible for them to discuss it in front of an audience, which allows them to gain not only knowledge about the topic but also self- confidence through public speaking. b. The need to require students to attend special seminars related to Nursing Education makes them updated with the latest related issues. 2. Enrichment of Related Leaming Experience through: a. Additional area for their Related Learning Experience like, Intensive Care Unit, Communicable Disease Ward and Recovery Room. b. Extensive ward class. 3. Provide outdoor experience such as Field Trip, Educational Tours and Community Observations. 4. Periodic enrichment of Clinical Focus to improve Clinical Performance. 5. Improvement of Instructional Facilities.