The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Old Testament - Part 2 [electronic resource] - Project Gutenberg, 1999 - Project Gutenberg 1610 .

Old Testament Part 2 is vol II of III. See also Complete (vol I-III) PG#8300 and Complete version (vol I-III with Appendices) PG#1581 and OT (vol I) PG#1609 and NT (vol III) PG#1582

The Second Part of the Old Testament: Book of Psalms -- Book of Proverbs -- Ecclesiastes -- Solomon's Canticle of Canticles -- Book of Wisdom -- Ecclesiasticus -- Prophecy of Isaias -- Prophecy of Jeremias -- Lamentations of Jeremias -- Prophecy of Baruch -- Prophecy of Ezechiel -- Prophecy of Daniel -- Prophecy of Osee -- Prophecy of Joel -- Prophecy of Amos -- Prophecy of Abdias -- Prophecy of Jonas -- Prophecy of Micheas -- Prophecy of Nahum -- Prophecy of Habacuc -- Prophecy of Sophonias -- Prophecy of Aggeus -- Prophecy of Zacharias -- Prophecy of Malachias -- First Book of Machabees -- Second Book of Machabees -- Appendices: The Prayer of Manasses -- The Third Booke of Esdras -- The Fourth Booke of Esdras -- The Prophecie of Abdias.

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Bible. Old Testament Religion